hi friends
mumbai 13 day races seems be very nice card
my selections for the day.
1. 4 kiss away
2.4.river dancer
3.race is between 3 phonix rising and 4. knight how ever this is bad race to bet.
4.1.exotic star is a cinch here.
and loks like popular double for owners connections
5. bad race again but double chance for grant with ruby rocket.
6. race is between 3 secret admirer and 7.kiara and hot connection mam col may also fight it out.
7. 1.Bourbon king can handle this set and king will win indian derby also may fail in invitaion cup till then no defeats expected as per my openion.
8.3. mickey mantle is well prepared zadmal sigh preparation warants command and this is my days best bet.
9.1.catalist lalwani hasnt yet opened her account yet how shameful??? a must tryout here.
ok good luck guys.
Mumbai 5-4-15
9 years ago